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BRAGB Lunch and Learn at Kenney & Sams, P.C.

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Name: BRAGB Lunch and Learn at Kenney & Sams, P.C.
Date: March 30, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
You are invited to lunch and to learn at Kenney & Sams, PC. There is no charge unless you want BRAGB to provide you with a CSL Certificate for 2 credits. Please register here.


Protect your business against legal problems with well-written contracts. Many construction or remodeling companies are too small to hire full-time legal staff so it's important to understand basic contract law. This course provides a step-by-step explanation of how contracts sustain positive customer and supplier relations, provide for resolution of disputes, and minimize the risk of litigation. You will learn about mandatory and optional provisions, warranties, and arbitration procedures. Special emphasis is given to troubleshooting contracts for detrimental provisions.

  • Describe elements, benefits and interpretation principles of contracts.
  • Describe contracts recommended for builders and remodelers (Sales Agreements, Construction Contracts, Remodeling Contracts, warranties and subcontractor agreements), including mandatory and optional provisions.
  • Identify additional resources related to construction law.
  • Explain how contracts sustain positive customer and supplier relations, provide for resolution of disputes and minimize the risk of litigation. 
About Our Presenter
Michael Sams, a co-founder of Kenney & Sams, is a respected litigator, advocate and business advisor, serving companies throughout New England. He successfully tries, appeals, mediates and arbitrates disputes before the Massachusetts Superior and District Courts, the Supreme Judicial Court, the Massachusetts Appeals Court, the U.S. First Circuit, private ADR services, and a range of state and federal agencies.  Read full bio here.
Kenney & Sams, P.C.
Reservoir Corporate Center
144 Turnpike Road, Suite 350
Southborough, MA 01772
Date/Time Information:
BBRS Approved for 2.0 CEU for CSL Renewal (CS-5813)
Contact Information:
Scott Palmer
Free to BRAGB and HBRA MA members.
Want a CEU?
$25 for BRAGB and HBRA MA members.
$35 for non-members.

Continuing Education Units:
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